1.   International appeals can help to secure the release of these prisoners or to improve their detention conditions.

2.   Asked about the accusations in Washington, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said they came from people who were not knowledgeable about the detention conditions.

3.   Asked about the accusations in Washington, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said they came from people who were not knowledgeable about the detention conditions.

4.   Asked about the accusations in Washington D.C., U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said they came from people who were not knowledgeable about the detention conditions.

5.   Campaigners have criticized detention conditions at Guantanamo.

6.   Detention conditions must improve.

7.   Human rights campaigners have criticized detention conditions at Guantanamo.

8.   Human rights campaigners have criticized detention conditions at the base.

9.   Human rights campaigners have criticized the detention conditions at the base.

10.   Human rights campaigners have criticized detention conditions.

n. + condition >>共 729
weather 19.82%
market 10.92%
heart 6.13%
prison 4.54%
business 3.64%
road 2.03%
drought 2.01%
health 1.94%
crop 1.51%
labor 1.41%
detention 0.45%
detention + n. >>共 105
center 44.64%
camp 15.54%
centre 8.03%
facility 7.17%
hearing 4.71%
order 2.79%
officer 1.68%
condition 1.30%
unit 1.30%
cell 1.20%
每页显示:    共 27