1.   The Automobile Association skeleton staff trio will be huddled in front of their personal computer screens relaying road conditions to drivers.

2.   Or is it the road conditions or something but peak times.

3.   The major cause of these accidents is drivers going too fast for the road conditions that exist in our village.

4.   The Montego is just right for us.It is reliable, strong and very suitable for our road conditions.

5.   All of that gives it a very encouraging sure-footedness once you try to throw it around a corner or two, or test it on poor road conditions.

6.   Recording a verdict of accidental death deputy coroner Andrew Tweddle said evidence showed Mr Still was travelling too quickly for the road conditions.

7.   With winter closing in and rain, spray and fog worsening road conditions, police are urging drivers to maintain a safe distance.

8.   In poor road conditions, police advise motorists to double the safe gap so they are four seconds behind the vehicle in front.

9.   Along with price and performance, you need to consider your driving style and ability, as well as road conditions you may face.

10.   Also check out road conditions and make sure routes are open.

n. + condition >>共 729
weather 19.82%
market 10.92%
heart 6.13%
prison 4.54%
business 3.64%
road 2.03%
drought 2.01%
health 1.94%
crop 1.51%
labor 1.41%
road + n. >>共 698
trip 18.65%
game 8.73%
accident 5.20%
block 3.47%
race 1.91%
course 1.83%
rage 1.76%
sign 1.72%
condition 1.68%
link 1.62%
每页显示:    共 120