1.   What can the social services department do to help?

2.   His argument is that the department cannot do this because of the numbers now being taught in Art, which the Head of Department stands by.

3.   English department did it last term.

4.   Almost all municipal water departments now do, thanks to the work of Mac Kenzie and his team.

5.   Among others, Suraci feels the department must do more to promote other interests for its officers.

6.   And others say local police departments should be doing the work of monitoring convicted offenders anyway.

7.   Assistant Chief Bayan Lewis said the department is doing its own internal review that will be comprehensive and deal with every aspect of the investigative process.

8.   At her weekly news briefing on Thursday morning, Ms. Reno declined to say what the department might do.

9.   A top White House official on race issues said the federal government and individual police departments should be doing far more to prevent minority officers from being shot.

10.   All four broadcast networks released statements Tuesday that generally praised the study, while saying that their own standards and practices departments did a fine job of monitoring programs.

n. + do >>共 1367
government 2.91%
company 2.87%
people 2.75%
team 1.85%
man 1.20%
player 1.16%
woman 0.91%
official 0.72%
child 0.67%
state 0.65%
department 0.18%
department + v. >>共 800
say 10.25%
be 7.88%
have 6.34%
make 1.40%
receive 1.37%
investigate 1.27%
take 1.25%
begin 1.21%
try 1.19%
do 1.09%
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