1.   DeLay spokesman Tony Rudy later explained that DeLay meant that Congress had not repealed whole laws.

2.   DeLay spokesman Michael Scanlon said Friday there was nothing to the allegations and dismissed them as politically motivated.

3.   Delay spokesman Michael Scanlon, however, acknowledged that his boss did talk with Bono and other members while the vote was in progress.

n. + spokesman >>共 351
police 22.16%
government 12.48%
ministry 9.87%
army 8.41%
company 6.07%
embassy 2.72%
team 1.93%
department 1.92%
hospital 1.69%
rebel 1.62%
delay 0.02%
delay + n. >>共 107
tactic 7.39%
tactics 5.68%
line 3.41%
time 3.41%
problem 2.84%
device 2.27%
planting 2.27%
came 2.27%
spokesman 2.27%
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