1.   But Baker dismissed that as a delay tactic, joining in a growing Republican cry to end the count with Bush still in the lead.

2.   Democratic supporters say the review is a delay tactic.

3.   It is also a delay tactic because agreements by many nations usually take much more time to conclude.

4.   Professors called it a delay tactic.

5.   Democrats criticized the hearings as a delay tactic.

6.   Moi has reluctantly agreed to review the constitution, but his critics say it is another delay tactic.

7.   On Friday, he filed another motion, asking again for new lawyer, but Adede dismissed the move as another delay tactic.

8.   SAFE co-founder Arnie Grossman has called the legal challenge a delay tactic.

9.   Some suggested the commission could be a delay tactic.

10.   The arguments were dismissed Wednesday by a federal judge in Austin as a delay tactic.

n. + tactic >>共 91
pressure 12.75%
delay 6.37%
stall 6.37%
survival 5.88%
defense 4.90%
campaign 4.41%
terror 2.94%
government 2.45%
intimidation 2.45%
guerrilla 1.96%
delay + n. >>共 107
tactic 7.39%
tactics 5.68%
line 3.41%
time 3.41%
problem 2.84%
device 2.27%
planting 2.27%
came 2.27%
spokesman 2.27%
talk 1.70%
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