1.   Also, the seasonal summer decline in orders occurred earlier and more steeply this year than usual, Arjo said.

2.   Because the decline occurred in weather-beaten regions, economists said the figures were stronger than they appeared.

3.   A similar decline occurred on the northwestern edge of the city at St. Charles, an old river village on the Missouri.

4.   About half the decline occurred on Friday after the report.

5.   Half that decline has occurred this week.

6.   Indeed, census bureau figures indicate that the biggest declines in participation occurred in areas whose residents were largely white or Asian American.

7.   Many people assume that price declines have occurred only in appliances and electronics.

8.   Officials of the organization said the decline occurred because men who might otherwise have gone to the rallies decided to go to the Washington event instead.

9.   Remarkably, the decline in fertility occurred with no encouragement from the government.

10.   Severe bighorn declines are occurring in California, where biologists said the expanded mountain lion population is threatening an entire bighorn subspecies with extinction.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
decline 0.18%
decline + v. >>共 251
be 39.31%
come 7.19%
reflect 4.40%
offset 3.03%
continue 2.46%
lead 2.03%
follow 1.42%
occur 1.32%
hurt 1.23%
help 1.09%
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