1.   Poor rainfall this year has decimated the harvest and threatened to dry up village wells and dams.

2.   For the past year much of rural Indonesia has been impoverished by a crippling drought that has decimated rice harvests.

3.   In April, the Ministry of Agriculture approved an emergency fund to help farmers in northern China, where the drought is threatening to decimate their harvests.

4.   North Korea has been wracked with severe food shortages since last year brought on by catastrophic floods which decimated harvests.

v. + harvest >>共 156
reap 6.70%
reduce 6.20%
expect 3.72%
delay 3.72%
slow 2.98%
affect 2.48%
ruin 2.48%
follow 2.48%
produce 2.48%
disrupt 2.23%
decimate 0.99%
decimate + n. >>共 123
population 8.07%
team 4.93%
rank 4.48%
stock 3.14%
economy 2.69%
herd 2.69%
family 2.24%
community 2.24%
crop 1.79%
harvest 1.79%
每页显示:    共 4