1.   Entire communities will be decimated by crime, by the lack of viable businesses that no longer have incentive and by abject poverty.

2.   In a few more years, AIDS would begin to decimate the community.

3.   Or that the theatrical community would be decimated by an epidemic, as yet unnamed and unremarked, like AIDS.

4.   The disproportionate arrest of Hispanics and blacks has decimated their communities with disastrous social consequences.

5.   But the Jewish community was decimated by Nazi occupation in World War II, with many Jews sent to death camps.

v. + community >>共 650
serve 3.63%
divide 2.72%
build 2.54%
help 2.40%
create 2.09%
leave 1.99%
farm 1.68%
have 1.31%
protect 1.27%
affect 1.18%
decimate 0.23%
decimate + n. >>共 123
population 8.07%
team 4.93%
rank 4.48%
stock 3.14%
economy 2.69%
herd 2.69%
family 2.24%
community 2.24%
crop 1.79%
harvest 1.79%
每页显示:    共 5