1.   Although he and his wife enjoyed their home near downtown Vallejo, Howard complained to police that drug dealers brazenly peddled their wares in the park across the street.

2.   Drug dealers peddled their wares.

3.   It is regular people who allow drug dealers to peddle methamphetamine or cocaine like Halloween candy.

4.   One auto dealer was peddling an upscale Audi sedan, promising that a portion of proceeds would go to relief.

5.   Arms dealers peddled their wares openly, just steps from the parliament building.

n. + peddle >>共 83
vendor 14.17%
company 5.51%
dealer 3.94%
industry 2.36%
hawker 2.36%
maker 2.36%
man 2.36%
people 2.36%
contractor 1.57%
agent 1.57%
dealer + v. >>共 642
say 56.17%
be 4.94%
sell 1.37%
have 1.34%
expect 1.31%
wait 0.84%
fear 0.81%
take 0.77%
add 0.70%
attribute 0.66%
peddle 0.07%
每页显示:    共 5