1.   While currency dealers attributed the decline largely to technical selling and concerns over Mexico, others noticed a survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

2.   Other dealers attributed the weakness of the Singapore dollar against the greenback, as Asian currencies tracked the falling Japanese yen for the third straight day.

3.   Bangkok-based foreign exchange dealers have attributed the recent rally of the baht to foreign capital inflows to buy Thai assets.

4.   Dealers attributed the decline to a further fall in the Thai baht following declines in other Asian currencies against the dollar.

5.   Dealers attributed the drop largely to a U.S. Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting set for Tuesday, dealers said.

6.   Dealers attributed the fall to banks selling construction shares on gloomy prospects for the sector.

7.   Dealers attributed the rebound in the index to bargain-hunting, mainly by foreign investors, as regional financial markets stabilized.

8.   Dealers attributed the rise to last-minute adjustments, to avoid going into the weekend with too many dollars or ringgits.

9.   Dealers attributed the slump to dollar-buying by Thai companies rushing to repay foreign-currency debt after the latest in a series of credit rating downgrades.

10.   Dealers attributed this to the large number of corporate shareholder meetings occurring on the same day.

n. + attribute >>共 358
official 12.65%
company 10.98%
analyst 10.01%
broker 5.36%
expert 3.78%
trader 3.65%
report 2.64%
police 2.64%
dealer 2.11%
economist 1.89%
dealer + v. >>共 642
say 56.17%
be 4.94%
sell 1.37%
have 1.34%
expect 1.31%
wait 0.84%
fear 0.81%
take 0.77%
add 0.70%
attribute 0.66%
每页显示:    共 48