1.   As part of the effort, dam operators will allow more water to spill over the dam so smolt can escape the turbines.

2.   Having destroyed the salmon runs on which the Indians used to depend, the dam operators are required by law to offer something in return.

3.   Some recommendations ask that dam operators adjust stream flow to alter the depth of reservoirs.

4.   A dam operator, for example, may be required to install a fish ladder as a condition of renewing its license.

5.   They also question whether dam operators will discharge water to prevent flooding upriver instead of keeping reservoir levels high for generating electricity.

n. + operator >>共 688
cable 10.71%
tour 10.03%
radio 3.53%
telephone 2.81%
casino 2.24%
hotel 1.78%
plant 1.44%
system 1.39%
camera 1.39%
telecommunication 1.37%
dam 0.10%
dam + n. >>共 84
project 40.17%
site 7.69%
removal 5.13%
construction 3.99%
area 2.85%
wall 2.28%
burst 1.99%
building 1.71%
system 1.42%
operator 1.42%
每页显示:    共 5