1.   A cable system has two types of customers-advertisers and consumers who subscribe to a package of programming offered by the cable operator.

2.   And cable operators are doing all they can to get the government to prevent phone companies from carrying video programming.

3.   Discussions are being held with a major cable operator.

4.   Eye on People is struggling to persuade cable operators to carry it.

5.   On something of a buying binge lately and snapping up smaller cable operators, Cogeco is itself seen as a takeover target.

6.   This constraint will fade over the next few years as more cable operators upgrade their systems and add more services.

7.   Although other industries, such as utilities and railways, want to enter the EU telecoms market, cable operators have a natural advantage, Van Miert said.

8.   Also, the company says its earnings this year will exceed expectations and that it has agreed to form joint ventures with five small cable operators.

9.   Alternatively, local broadcasters could buy space on leased-access channels that all cable operators are required to provide for community programming, the cable interests say.

10.   Although cable operators generally seek systems near their own, the Scripps systems do not overlap with Comcast.

n. + operator >>共 688
cable 10.71%
tour 10.03%
radio 3.53%
telephone 2.81%
casino 2.24%
hotel 1.78%
plant 1.44%
system 1.39%
camera 1.39%
telecommunication 1.37%
cable + n. >>共 473
company 13.93%
network 12.49%
channel 11.32%
operator 8.33%
system 8.30%
modem 4.31%
industry 3.41%
service 3.13%
station 1.61%
line 1.32%
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