1.   Cut the flesh from the olives and discard the stones.

2.   As deftly as her nervous hands would allow, the high school senior cut the flesh along the rib cage.

3.   Cut flesh into chunks, and puree in blender.

4.   Cut flesh into chunks.

5.   Cut the flesh into large dice.

6.   Cool, scrape or cut cooked flesh out of the shell and puree in a food processor.

7.   Cut flesh into -inch dice, and place in large bowl.

8.   Discard the seeds and membrane and cut the flesh into small dice.

9.   Discard the seeds and stringy innards, then cut the flesh into medium dice.

10.   His wedding ring cut the flesh under her left eye, leaving a jagged scar, and broke her nose.

v. + flesh >>共 152
press 11.19%
eat 7.79%
cut 4.62%
tear 3.41%
put 2.92%
have 2.68%
scrape 2.43%
scoop 2.19%
chop 1.70%
smell 1.70%
cut + n. >>共 936
cost 13.27%
tax 4.73%
rate 4.57%
price 3.88%
job 2.05%
production 1.70%
tie 1.68%
number 1.42%
deficit 1.17%
deal 1.15%
flesh 0.10%
每页显示:    共 19