cut cost 158.59   I left to cut costs.
  cut tax 56.55   Bush wants a tax cut?
  cut rate 54.64   He cut his rates to drive out rivals.
  cut price 46.41   ELECTRICITY giant Manweb today cut its prices.
  cut job 24.49   Factories cut jobs.
  cut production 20.34   OPEC has cut production three times this year.
  cut tie 20.01   Cut economic ties?
  cut number 16.92   Cut the number in half.
  cut deficit 14.02   Should we cut the deficit more?
  cut deal 13.76   Have we cut any deals?
  cut power 13.69   The power is cut!
  cut budget 13.50   Is my budget being cut?
  cut loss 12.97   Cut his losses.
  cut corner 12.64   I cut corners.
  cut hair 11.26   Cut her hair.
  cut program 11.13   Housing programs were cut.
  cut benefit 10.27   Individual accounts cut benefits.
  cut way 10.01   It cuts both ways.
  cut aid 9.68   Why else would they cut aid?
  cut line 9.15   Phone lines were cut.
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