1.   Whatever the case, the sheet would have been wrapped around the body in the customary fashion with top- and bottom-knots.

2.   She dressed in her customary fashion.

3.   In her customary quixotic fashion, Arthur flitted through a variety of pursuits.

4.   Still, it ended in customary fashion.

5.   The central banks, in customary fashion, declined to discuss their foreign exchange activities.

6.   The Bank of Japan, in customary fashion, would not confirm it bought dollars today.

7.   The former senator was conspicuously not at her side staring raptly at the candidate in the customary fashion of other spouses at such momentous events.

8.   The practical man attacked the problem in customary fashion.

9.   The two candidates made their customary points in their customary fashion, delivering well-rehearsed and oft-repeated assertions, offering few surprises.

a. + fashion >>共 1477
similar 4.20%
typical 3.41%
dramatic 2.19%
new 1.95%
timely 1.93%
latest 1.72%
same 1.64%
italian 1.60%
american 1.60%
french 1.41%
customary 0.21%
customary + n. >>共 540
condition 43.65%
anonymity 12.01%
rule 1.16%
practice 0.79%
spot 0.63%
suit 0.63%
fashion 0.48%
law 0.42%
call 0.37%
role 0.37%
每页显示:    共 9