1.   Their customary practice was to deposit receipts in the night deposit box at that branch.

2.   When a crisis or dilemma arises, such an organization will resort under duress to its customary self-defeating practices.

3.   But in line with customary practice, Israeli officials said they were not about to yield.

4.   But Israeli officials said they were not about to yield to Hamas demands, in line with customary practice.

5.   Following its customary practice, the court issued its decision without comment.

6.   Representatives of groups dedicated to identifying conflicts of interest for public officials said that such an exceptionally large advance in itself deviated from customary practices.

7.   The IRS declined to discuss the situation other than in terms of its customary practice.

8.   DeCroce agreed this is a customary practice - to a degree.

9.   Departing from customary practice, Soeharto did not step down from his podium to present the Adhi Makayasa awards to the best graduates from the four forces.

10.   However, as I grew older, I have become more sceptical of such traditional beliefs and customary practice.

a. + practice >>共 750
batting 9.75%
private 3.94%
common 3.55%
first 1.96%
standard 1.94%
medical 1.88%
religious 1.54%
good 1.39%
accounting 1.36%
current 1.23%
customary 0.13%
customary + n. >>共 540
condition 43.65%
anonymity 12.01%
rule 1.16%
practice 0.79%
spot 0.63%
suit 0.63%
fashion 0.48%
law 0.42%
call 0.37%
role 0.37%
每页显示:    共 15