1.   All the credit arrangements mentioned above are categorized as restricted-use credit.

2.   Both Acts were to give uniform treatment to the many different forms of credit arrangement.

3.   It said that Lamont had responded to many of its suggestions such as improved investment allowances and export credit arrangements.

4.   He said the loan portfolio shrunk in an effort to free the bank from some credit arrangements it no longer desired.

5.   Supporters of the regulatory change argue that opposition to the improved credit arrangement has been organized exclusively by insurance companies with no interest in writing inner-city policies.

6.   --That investment firms promptly collect margin payments form customers unless other credit arrangements are in place.

7.   The company is in talks with its agent bank to seek waivers of the covenants and to restructure the credit arrangement to improve its cash position.

8.   The card shop owners get a special credit arrangement from Hallmark, for example.

9.   The new credit arrangement, though it carries a higher interest rate, will assure Centennial it has the cash it needs to keep operating, company officials said.

10.   Until then, some borrowing under the new credit arrangement will be restricted, though the company said it expects the restrictions to have no impact on performance.

n. + arrangement >>共 531
security 29.19%
funeral 16.16%
flower 3.69%
travel 3.65%
business 1.55%
work 1.02%
trade 0.98%
fee 0.84%
plea 0.81%
credit 0.74%
credit + n. >>共 417
report 5.08%
crunch 4.96%
history 4.42%
risk 4.15%
market 4.00%
quality 3.73%
facility 3.41%
agency 2.63%
record 2.42%
bank 2.30%
arrangement 0.63%
每页显示:    共 21