1.   The board prohibited the petition because it was controversial and would cause teachers to take opposing political positions, thereby creating discord.

2.   Campbell insisted he is not trying to create discord at the conventon, but rather to promote an image of a party that is not monolithic on abortion.

3.   Internal jealousies have created discord and might reduce the Nigerians to underachieving malcontents.

4.   The losing season created discord.

v. + discord >>共 47
sow 21.00%
cause 9.00%
foment 7.00%
avoid 5.00%
create 4.00%
promote 3.00%
avert 2.00%
face 2.00%
reduce 2.00%
deepen 2.00%
create + n. >>共 1362
job 5.22%
problem 3.16%
opportunity 1.68%
condition 1.07%
program 0.94%
atmosphere 0.81%
chance 0.78%
tension 0.74%
illusion 0.71%
sense 0.67%
discord 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4