1.   Add ice cream and process to a creamy consistency.

2.   Add more buttermilk until you reach a creamy consistency.

3.   Add a little chicken stock until puree is a creamy consistency.

4.   Add enough creme fraiche for a smooth creamy consistency.

5.   Gradually whisk in the oil until the dressing has a creamy consistency.

6.   If you make the vinaigrette in a blender, water will help create a creamy consistency.

7.   It had a creamy consistency with pieces of real bacon and was not too tart.

8.   Some panelists liked the creamy consistency, but most found the blue cheese flavor too mild.

9.   Stir in the basil and buttermilk to create a creamy consistency.

10.   The dish will cook up with the same creamy consistency, but with a slightly nuttier taste.

a. + consistency >>共 220
desired 10.46%
spreading 5.23%
right 2.83%
creamy 2.40%
offensive 2.18%
greater 2.18%
spreadable 1.96%
remarkable 1.74%
same 1.74%
proper 1.74%
creamy + n. >>共 260
texture 6.72%
white 4.07%
potato 3.67%
sauce 2.85%
consistency 2.24%
leather 2.04%
soup 2.04%
head 1.83%
dressing 1.83%
cheese 1.63%
每页显示:    共 11