1.   Cracked vertebra.

2.   In the essay, he recounts an incident in which the stepfather threw his younger sister, Lynn, across the room, cracking a vertebra in her back.

3.   The encounter with the barrel slowed me enough to lessen my injuries when I fell into the pile of bricks and, fortunately, only three vertebrae were cracked.

4.   He cracked a vertebrae in his lower back while on vacation in France during the summer.

v. + vertebra >>共 26
fuse 21.84%
fracture 20.69%
break 10.34%
crush 8.05%
crack 4.60%
injure 4.60%
stabilize 3.45%
suffer 3.45%
fuse_together 2.30%
twist 2.30%
crack + n. >>共 335
joke 14.51%
case 5.28%
smile 4.32%
code 3.72%
rib 3.42%
whip 3.35%
egg 3.27%
wall 2.60%
cocaine 1.93%
skull 1.93%
vertebra 0.30%
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