crack joke 12.84   He cracks jokes.
  crack case 4.67   It has yet to crack a case.
  crack smile 3.82   Mijon cracks a smile.
  crack code 3.29   He cracked that code in a hurry!
  crack rib 3.03   She slipped and cracked a rib.
  crack whip 2.96   These days it cracks the whip.
  crack egg 2.90   Crack an egg into a cup.
  crack wall 2.30   Every wall was cracked.
  crack cocaine 1.71   Or crack cocaine, for that matter.
  crack skull 1.71   Crack a few skulls.
  crack head 1.58   I slipped and cracked my head on the door.
  crack book 1.32   Time to crack the books.
  crack knuckle 1.18   Between moves he cracked his knuckles.
  crack open 1.18   The ultimate market to crack open.
  crack nut 1.12   Yet Blank is cracking that nut.
  crack shell 1.12   My head cracks the shell,
  crack window 1.12   Crack windows occasionally.
  crack bone 0.99   She fell and cracked a bone in her leg.
  crack door 0.99   Was the door cracked?
  crack lineup 0.99   And now he can barely crack the lineup in Ottawa?
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