1.   But other Asian countries, including Indonesia and Singapore, are on the list of copyright violators.

2.   Critics say the proposal would turn virtually every computer user into a copyright violator.

3.   IBM and four top Japanese computer and consumer electronics companies have decided to team up in the fight against copyright violators, officials said Wednesday.

4.   Many copyright violators simply gamble on not getting punished.

5.   Many copyright violators simply gamble on not getting punished, Handa said.

6.   Washington has placed Hong Kong on a watch list of suspected copyright violators.

7.   China, facing renewed pressure from the United States to better protect intellectual property rights, announced Saturday it was planning new measures against copyright violators.

8.   The Xinhua report highlighted a new regulation which goes into effect Saturday to strengthen government departments in punishing copyright violators.

a. + violator >>共 65
suspected 18.50%
repeat 6.36%
worst 5.78%
flagrant 5.20%
copyright 4.62%
serious 4.62%
alleged 4.05%
biggest 2.89%
fine 2.31%
punishing 2.31%
copyright + n. >>共 164
law 21.32%
infringement 15.97%
protection 11.86%
piracy 5.99%
violation 5.75%
holder 4.46%
owner 2.52%
issue 2.29%
office 1.29%
agreement 1.00%
violator 0.47%
每页显示:    共 8