1.   A federal court ruled this month that Napster helped users to violate music copyright laws.

2.   Can teachers make photocopies of published materials without violating copyright laws?

3.   Descriptions or drawings of ideas are also afforded some protection under copyright law.

4.   Neither the federal copyright law nor guidelines mentioned above apply to copying computer software, and such copying is not fair use.

5.   Publications are not available for loan, but photocopying within the terms of copyright law is available.

6.   The company writes to the culprits, invoking the copyright laws as it reads them.

a. + law >>共 556
new 14.13%
federal 11.16%
state 8.24%
islamic 3.97%
current 3.25%
antitrust 2.00%
existing 1.99%
proposed 1.54%
local 1.46%
environmental 1.26%
copyright 1.08%
copyright + n. >>共 164
law 21.32%
infringement 15.97%
protection 11.86%
piracy 5.99%
violation 5.75%
holder 4.46%
owner 2.52%
issue 2.29%
office 1.29%
agreement 1.00%
每页显示:    共 361