1.   The upshot, Mace hopes, is that interface copyrights will be broken and will therefore pass into the public domain.

2.   There is general agreement that copyright is a good idea.

3.   Copyright is subject to two international conventions by which reciprocal protection is granted between members.

4.   Copyright is another problem area.

5.   At other times, copyright might be the problem.

6.   Copyright applicants who have inquired have been told that their copyrights would be dated retroactively based on the date of postmark, assuming the postmark remains legible after irradiation.

7.   Lewin successfully sued the Liberty Lobby, which asserted that that there was no copyright for the book because it was a government document.

8.   Meanwhile, the nonprofit Gutenberg Project offers digital text versions of classics whose copyrights are in the public domain.

9.   The fact that most movie pirates are not making money from their activities means little where copyright is concerned.

10.   There are no copyrights to worry about, no advances to negotiate, no book parties and tours to plan.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
copyright 0%
copyright + v. >>共 22
protect 44.44%
be 15.28%
expire 5.56%
exist 4.17%
extend 4.17%
pass 2.78%
restrict 2.78%
act 1.39%
belong 1.39%
come 1.39%
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