1.   Cook the bacon until it begins to crisp.

2.   But what is the best way to cook bacon to have it turn out both crispy and meaty?

3.   Cook bacon in a medium skillet until crisp and brown.

4.   Cook bacon, set aside and reserve grease.

5.   Cook the bacon in a large nonstick skillet over moderate heat until it has rendered much of its fat and is beginning to crisp.

6.   Cook the bacon until soft, and add the bacon and drippings to the broth.

7.   Cook bacon in a heavy pot just large enough to hold the pot roast.

8.   Cook bacon until crisp, break into pieces, stir in chili powder and vinegar over bacon and when it boils up, pour over vegetables.

9.   Cook the bacon thoroughly.

10.   Cook bacon in a large skillet over medium heat.

v. + bacon >>共 77
cook 11.57%
remove 6.94%
crumble 6.48%
fry 6.48%
transfer 5.56%
save 5.56%
add 5.09%
use 2.78%
bring 1.85%
saute 1.85%
cook + n. >>共 497
food 6.78%
meal 6.34%
pasta 4.92%
dinner 3.72%
meat 3.06%
chicken 2.35%
rice 2.30%
fish 1.99%
potato 1.77%
vegetable 1.77%
bacon 1.11%
每页显示:    共 25