1.   Coal consumption has fallen dramatically.

2.   Public-sector consumption also fell dramatically.

3.   Tho those sort of drinkers I think have erm almost disappeared in in large areas and subsequently, beer consumption has fallen.

4.   Canadian health researchers think consumption did fall because of the taxes.

5.   Coffee consumption usually falls during summer in the Northern Hemisphere, as consumers in the U.S. and Europe switch to cold drinks.

6.   Cotton mill consumption fell to its lowest level since December.

7.   Gaining market share is crucial in the tobacco industry, where U.S. consumption has been falling with the escalation of health concerns and social pressure.

8.   Gold consumption fell short of supply from new mine production, forward sales by producers and recycled gold, Gold Fields said.

9.   Higher imports to the U.S. come at a time of year when coffee consumption typically falls.

10.   In a cold winter, consumers would benefit, but in a warm winter, even though their consumption actually fell, their bills would remain unchanged.

n. + fall >>共 780
stock 13.74%
price 10.50%
share 3.30%
dollar 3.28%
bond 2.62%
rain 2.34%
future 1.95%
rate 1.52%
snow 1.34%
sale 1.19%
consumption 0.06%
consumption + v. >>共 121
be 28.14%
increase 5.56%
remain 4.45%
rise 4.13%
grow 3.66%
decline 3.50%
continue 3.18%
fall 3.02%
drop 2.70%
fuel 1.59%
每页显示:    共 19