stock fall 302.90   As stocks fall, can Fed help?
  price fall 231.60   And stock prices fell.
  share fall 72.81   Bank shares fell.
  dollar fall 72.42   But the dollar fell, too.
  bond fall 57.80   Bonds also fell.
  rain fall 51.61   A light rain fell.
  future fall 42.99   Corn futures fell.
  rate fall 33.57   Crime rates fell.
  snow fall 29.62   And snow fell.
  sale fall 26.27   Car sales are falling.
  deal fall 23.24   But the deal fell apart.
  market fall 22.58   Other markets fell.
  night fall 20.61   Night falls.
  yield fall 20.41   Bond yields fell.
  index fall 20.21   Indexes fall?
  earnings fall 19.29   But earnings fell.
  company fall 17.51   Car companies also fell.
  profit fall 14.29   Profits fell, too.
  bomb fall 11.78   A bomb fell on Italy.
  government fall 11.65   The government fell.
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