1.   Construction is proceeding despite an interim court order restraining the company from putting it into commission.

2.   But administration lawyers now claim that construction could proceed well beyond this agreed threshold without violating the agreement.

3.   By law, the two governors must approve a formal financing plan before construction can proceed.

4.   Carlson said construction can proceed without legislative approval.

5.   Construction proceeded after a survey showed that there was a large enough client base to make the project successful.

6.   Construction should proceed at the end of this month, Nasarenko said.

7.   Construction proceeded under the direction of Hughes and architects Cass Gilbert Jr. and John Rockart.

8.   Construction proceeds in fits, starts and stops.

9.   How far all this construction will proceed, and precisely what goals it will serve, is difficult to say.

n. + proceed >>共 657
case 4.66%
talk 3.12%
trial 2.95%
work 2.26%
negotiation 2.26%
government 1.88%
project 1.88%
investigation 1.88%
company 1.75%
lawsuit 1.45%
construction 0.77%
construction + v. >>共 248
be 24.49%
begin 21.51%
start 5.65%
continue 2.92%
take 2.03%
go 1.78%
have 1.46%
violate 1.21%
stop 1.21%
proceed 1.14%
每页显示:    共 18