1.   He took a risk this week by breaking with House Republicans and seeking to reopen the government while budget talks proceed.

2.   In a retreat, House leaders proposed allowing employees to return to work with pay while budget talks proceed.

3.   As talks proceeded, both sides would begin to turn over their weapons.

4.   Because the Indian leader is not considered an easy conversationalist, there was some uncertainty among administration officials about how the talks would proceed.

5.   But he did say that the Israelis and Syrians had formed committees to take up key issues, an indication that the talks were proceeding.

6.   But Indian officials said Pakistan would have to stop fomenting violence against India by Islamic militants in Kashmir before talks could proceed.

7.   But the talks may proceed slowly and progress could be disrupted by provocations from any side.

8.   Even as their talks on merging proceeded, the companies kept both chalets, lest anyone suspect something was up if one of the companies canceled.

9.   Falkenberg said no decision has yet been taken as to how long talks can still proceed.

10.   He said that the governments should convene serious negotiations today, and that if the unionists were not prepared to participate, the talks should proceed without them.

n. + proceed >>共 657
case 4.66%
talk 3.12%
trial 2.95%
work 2.26%
negotiation 2.26%
government 1.88%
project 1.88%
investigation 1.88%
company 1.75%
lawsuit 1.45%
talk + v. >>共 359
be 28.78%
resume 6.22%
begin 5.54%
continue 5.02%
take 3.00%
fail 2.86%
break_down 2.74%
go 2.66%
focus 2.30%
end 1.88%
proceed 0.49%
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