1.   And that slate has been wiped clean now that he has completed probation and regained all rights and privileges as a regular citizen.

2.   A year shy of completing his probation, Schwartz faces a motion to have his probation revoked.

3.   According to prosecutors, if he successfully completes probation, the second-degree felony charge will not disappear from his record but will appear to have been dismissed.

4.   He successfully completed that probation.

5.   If he successfully completes probation, he will have no criminal record.

6.   If he successfully completes probation, the charge will appear to have been dismissed from his record.

7.   If Richardson completes probation, he will not have a criminal record.

8.   If Boothe successfully completes the probation, he will have no conviction on his record.

9.   Jason had just completed probation for his previous sex offense.

10.   Now, just a year shy of completing his probation, Schwartz faces a motion to revoke the probation.

v. + probation >>共 66
violate 34.77%
receive 10.15%
revoke 6.85%
give 6.09%
get 6.09%
complete 5.08%
grant 3.81%
extend 2.03%
recommend 2.03%
serve 2.03%
complete + n. >>共 756
work 4.48%
investigation 3.90%
deal 3.87%
transaction 2.38%
acquisition 2.12%
project 2.07%
merger 1.90%
study 1.86%
sale 1.85%
purchase 1.58%
probation 0.15%
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