1.   And, finally, you have four years to complete the projects of construction of the major hospitals and restorations.

2.   Completing the project on time and under budget generated a feeling of pride and accomplishment among the team.

3.   Improvement teams are temporary groups, operating only until they have completed a project.

4.   Jobs claimed that he could motivate the team to complete the project in little more than a year.

5.   One resident holding out, however perversely, could place unpleasant obstacles in the way of completing the project.

6.   The National Science Foundation, which was footing the bill, Decided to hire an independent contractor to complete the project.

7.   The project should be completed some time next year.

8.   The project was completed on time.

9.   The project was completed within budget.

v. + project >>共 905
finance 5.75%
complete 3.56%
fund 3.30%
approve 2.59%
support 2.10%
discuss 1.98%
delay 1.88%
develop 1.75%
launch 1.75%
have 1.55%
complete + n. >>共 756
work 4.48%
investigation 3.90%
deal 3.87%
transaction 2.38%
acquisition 2.12%
project 2.07%
merger 1.90%
study 1.86%
sale 1.85%
purchase 1.58%
每页显示:    共 276