1.   And they always will be ogled by women for comparison purposes and men for hormone-based reasons.

2.   A potential flaw in the Dutch study is that the scientists did not randomly assign people to take active drugs or dummy pills for comparison purposes.

3.   For comparison purposes, nonartists were tested in the same way.

4.   For comparison purposes, the researchers set up a small control group of volunteers to see how the muscles of normal patients are affected by emotions like laughter.

5.   For comparison purposes, it also examined violence on local and syndicated shows, public television, cable television, in rental videos and in home video games.

6.   However, they also need normal, healthy brains for comparison purposes.

7.   In some ways Clinton is more like LBJ than JFK, his own favorite for comparison purposes.

8.   It rivals and in some ways improves on the smooth competence of a Toyota Avalon and a Chrysler Concorde, two competing cars I drove for comparison purposes.

9.   It rivals and in some ways improves on the smooth competence of the Toyota Avalon and Chrysler Concorde, two competing cars I drove for comparison purposes.

10.   Technicians then can develop a unique profile for comparison purposes.

n. + purpose >>共 304
tax 13.82%
research 8.95%
business 5.27%
investment 3.98%
propaganda 3.08%
security 2.78%
entertainment 1.99%
campaign 1.59%
comparison 1.59%
identification 1.39%
comparison + n. >>共 60
group 27.19%
shop 15.21%
purpose 7.37%
figure 6.91%
service 4.15%
study 4.15%
site 3.23%
test 3.23%
shopper 1.84%
experiment 0.92%
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