1.   Quote.com, which provides investment information such as stock quotes, mutual fund information, earnings forecasts and company profiles, will become part of the Lycos Network.

2.   Stop by the Women in Technology International site for chapter news, organization events, company profiles and online help-wanted ads.

3.   The programming will mimic cable television financial news with company profiles and on-air hosts conducting live interviews of corporate executives and analysts.

4.   The search engine pulls up staff-written product reviews, company profiles and articles from a dozen Ziff-Davis computer publications.

5.   Then there are the company profiles and interviews with executives, among other stories.

6.   These publications are a good source of investment ideas and company profiles, but investors should do their own research as well, magazine editors and consumer advocates say.

7.   They met once a week and debated stock strategy, dissected company profiles and voted on a course of action.

8.   It currently provides other services such asnews and charts, quotes, company profiles, daily real time accountsummary, among others, to its customers.

9.   Quote.com provides investment information such as stock quotes, mutual fund information, earnings forecasts and company profiles.

10.   Without leaving home, they can study company profiles, peruse job postings and even get advice from employees at the businesses they hope to join.

n. + profile >>共 235
risk 7.33%
personality 3.05%
customer 2.85%
flavor 2.85%
player 2.65%
celebrity 2.44%
velocity 2.44%
company 2.04%
user 1.63%
business 1.43%
company + n. >>共 743
official 17.10%
spokesman 7.04%
executive 6.67%
earnings 3.21%
spokeswoman 2.81%
stock 2.49%
profit 1.94%
president 1.68%
employee 1.57%
policy 1.49%
profile 0.06%
每页显示:    共 10