1.   Derive the velocity profile for optimum acceleration of this system.

2.   The final technique for producing a velocity profile involves a voltage.

3.   Simultaneously, they interact with the mean flow, so that the velocity profile also has three-dimensional variations.

4.   These changes arise from changes in the laminar velocity profile.

5.   In the first place, small variations in the velocity profile, due to different entry geometry, may affect the extent of the unstable region.

6.   Firstly, the mean velocity profile may be liable to local instability, somewhat analogous to instability of laminar flow.

7.   To generate this distribution of viscous stress, the mean velocity profile must rise steeply at the wall and then become comparatively flat.

n. + profile >>共 235
risk 7.33%
personality 3.05%
customer 2.85%
flavor 2.85%
player 2.65%
celebrity 2.44%
velocity 2.44%
company 2.04%
user 1.63%
business 1.43%
velocity + n. >>共 26
fluctuation 27.27%
profile 18.18%
field 6.06%
indicator 4.55%
joint 4.55%
component 3.03%
dispersion 3.03%
measurement 3.03%
round 3.03%
score 3.03%
每页显示:    共 12