1.   A combination boiler combines the functions of a central heating boiler and a multi-point water heater.

2.   Tertiary colleges Tertiary colleges combine the functions of a sixth form college and a further education college.

3.   All these functions can be combined to give you the advantages of traditional cooking in less than half the normal cooking time.

4.   American Express Co. plans to merge several start-up units that provide finance and small business services, combining similar functions under one roof.

5.   By combining such functions as sales and administration, and creating additional newscasts, the arrangements can cut costs and improve profitability.

6.   By combining functions that may have been done by several chips or devices onto one chip, companies can cut production costs and make less expensive devices.

7.   Combining two functions in a single room separated by a partition reduced the price of new heating and ventilation.

8.   Combining the functions should make the process simpler and less prone to human error.

9.   Combining these functions may save money but it induces irritation.

v. + function >>共 368
perform 11.26%
have 7.11%
attend 5.40%
serve 4.21%
use 1.97%
improve 1.84%
restore 1.84%
affect 1.78%
combine 1.71%
control 1.71%
combine + n. >>共 1230
ingredient 11.03%
operation 2.58%
element 2.23%
two 1.97%
force 1.71%
company 1.33%
business 0.96%
function 0.75%
effort 0.75%
datum 0.72%
每页显示:    共 26