1.   A Boston Globe NFL notes column misstated that University of California football player Andre Carter is the son of former boxer Hurricane Carter.

2.   The column also misstated the organizational title of Dr. James E. Cottrell.

3.   The column also misstated the name of the category in which Kaminski has won two Oscars.

4.   The column also misstated the number of Spanish imprints at Random House.

n. + misstate >>共 16
article 74.77%
column 3.74%
obituary 3.74%
company 2.80%
story 2.80%
governor 1.87%
he 1.87%
agency 0.93%
charge 0.93%
chart 0.93%
column + v. >>共 299
be 18.99%
appear 8.47%
move 5.22%
resume 3.09%
allow 2.37%
have 2.29%
show 2.14%
run 1.98%
rise 1.90%
focus 1.42%
misstate 0.32%
每页显示:    共 4