1.   In some copies the obituary also misstated the date of an achievement ascribed to Dr. Demikhov by the Russian news agency Itar-Tass.

2.   The obituary also misstated the given name of her first husband in some copies.

3.   The obituary also misstated the name of a university at which Mr. Brinnin taught.

4.   The obituary also misstated the year that Dr. Brutten founded the Vanguard School in Paoli, Pa., for children with learning disabilities.

n. + misstate >>共 16
article 74.77%
column 3.74%
obituary 3.74%
company 2.80%
story 2.80%
governor 1.87%
he 1.87%
agency 0.93%
charge 0.93%
chart 0.93%
obituary + v. >>共 35
be 21.95%
omit 9.76%
say 7.32%
misspell 6.10%
misstate 4.88%
appear 3.66%
mention 3.66%
become 2.44%
have 2.44%
include 2.44%
每页显示:    共 4