1.   A group of athletes spoke to the students about the value of a college education.

2.   Beyond that, McCord said she hopes to get a job and find a legitimate way to obtain a college education.

3.   Bridgeport families, with their low incomes, could not make plans for college educations for their children.

4.   Instead, they are paying down debt, saving for retirement and financing college educations and health care.

5.   It can offer college education and job training as bonuses for new recruits.

6.   Karen won a scholarship and, like all of her siblings, got a college education.

7.   Now a college education was a realistic and obtainable goal for young blacks.

8.   Our college education is going to directly affect our future.

9.   The earnings of women with a college education were not much higher than those of women who only graduated from high school.

10.   We live in a time where it is more important for our students to get a college education than ever before.

n. + education >>共 302
college 16.33%
sex 14.18%
quality 4.35%
art 3.79%
university 3.74%
childhood 3.38%
health 2.97%
voter 2.82%
music 2.25%
science 2.00%
college + n. >>共 516
student 11.39%
football 6.42%
basketball 4.28%
campus 3.27%
game 3.16%
coach 3.08%
degree 2.69%
player 2.66%
graduate 2.28%
education 2.21%
每页显示:    共 317