college education 21.00   A college education.
  sex education 18.24   Sex education?
  quality education 5.60   He had a quality education.
  art education 4.87   She was majoring in art education.
  university education 4.81   Do you have a university education?
  childhood education 4.34   There is a new commitment to early childhood education.
  health education 3.82   ...better health education.
  voter education 3.62   Voter polls show education is a top concern.
  music education 2.90   There needs to be better music education.
  science education 2.57   My science education is sadly lacking.
  teacher education 2.17   Is that the fault of initial teacher education?
  school education 2.11   Jiang said most of those arrested had only primary or middle school educations.
  character education 1.97   Character education.
  consumer education 1.58   One major task is consumer education.
  distance education 1.32   That could be the combination for success in distance education.
  abstinence education 1.25   I worked hard for abstinence education in the state of Texas.
  single-sex education 1.18   Single-sex education for men is bad and should be stamped out.
  community education 1.12   Community education includes classes, workshops, and summer schools.
  business education 1.05   We developed these through clear business education.
  computer education 1.05   Would she rather have a music program or more computer education?
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