1.   Would a cloned human be identical to the original?

2.   A world not safe for cloned humans would be a world not safe for the rest of us.

3.   None of the mainstream researchers want to create a cloned human, but the science is still controversial.

4.   Now, the fear is that cloned humans would be just so much DNA walking around looking eerily like dozens of other walking packets of DNA.

5.   The birth of a cloned human would push humanity into uncharted ethical waters.

6.   The bill was supported by anti-abortion groups which argue that a cloned cell is a cloned human and deserving of full legal protection.

7.   Advanced Cell is not interested in creating cloned humans, West maintains.

8.   In cloned humans, Jaenisch said the gene expression flaws could affect personality, intelligence and other human attributes.

9.   In cloned humans, the flaws could affect personality, intelligence and other human attributes.

10.   The same hearing heard testimony from two groups that are rushing to produce the first cloned human.

a. + human >>共 324
modern 15.04%
cloning 6.04%
first 5.14%
early 4.24%
fellow 2.19%
infected 1.67%
cloned 1.29%
normal 1.29%
only 1.29%
the 1.16%
cloned + n. >>共 71
embryo 19.62%
animal 14.78%
sheep 11.02%
baby 5.38%
calf 4.03%
mouse 3.49%
cow 3.23%
lamb 2.69%
human 2.69%
cell 2.15%
每页显示:    共 10