1.   But even Ian Wilmut draws the line at cloning humans.

2.   Several countries, including Britain, Denmark, Germany, and Australia, have made all scientific work on cloning humans illegal.

3.   After Scottish scientists announced last February that they had cloned a sheep, Clinton banned the use of federal money for cloning humans.

4.   But even a patent on the process of cloning humans could give the patent holder some rights over people, some lawyers said.

5.   But, he insisted, it is in no way a step toward cloning humans.

6.   Cloning makes us all squeamish, but the difference between cloning human tissue and cloning humans is greater than the difference between lightning bugs and lightning.

7.   Forget cloning humans.

8.   Given the high risk of serious defects, they said, it would be immoral to think about cloning humans.

9.   He said he had no ethical problem with cloning humans.

10.   In an interview, Wilmut said he wanted to create new animals that could be used for medical research, and he dismissed the notion of cloning humans.

a. + human >>共 324
modern 15.04%
cloning 6.04%
first 5.14%
early 4.24%
fellow 2.19%
infected 1.67%
cloned 1.29%
normal 1.29%
only 1.29%
the 1.16%
cloning + n. >>共 129
research 9.85%
experiment 9.11%
human 8.74%
technique 5.95%
technology 5.20%
process 4.09%
expert 2.97%
project 2.97%
ban 2.79%
animal 2.60%
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