1.   Cook until sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally with a clean spoon each time.

2.   I keep clean spoons all over my kitchen, and we taste all the time.

3.   Test with a clean spoon.

4.   There is a stack of clean spoons on a white napkin on the warming table of the kitchen of Le Bernardin.

a. + spoon >>共 89
slotted 55.94%
large 9.83%
plastic 4.60%
small 3.65%
metal 2.85%
measuring 1.90%
serving 1.74%
big 1.11%
clean 0.63%
perforated 0.63%
clean + n. >>共 691
water 12.36%
air 7.34%
sweep 3.63%
slate 3.49%
government 2.35%
break 2.35%
sheet 2.21%
record 2.01%
clothes 1.56%
program 1.30%
spoon 0.11%
每页显示:    共 4