1.   A judge this week granted Nogales-Talley a preliminary injunction, prohibiting the district from demoting her to classroom teacher.

2.   In both cases these programmes were taught under real life conditions, by ordinary classroom teachers.

3.   It was sink or swim as a classroom teacher.

4.   The close relationship maintained by the consultant in instructional media use with the classroom teacher.

5.   The projects were tested under real life conditions by classroom teachers operating within the normal constraints of teaching.

6.   The use of a national access network to deliver materials and services to classroom teachers and library media specialists.

7.   This is impressive, and it shows clearly the potential of technology to help the classroom teacher become a better teacher.

8.   Although no classroom teachers will lose their jobs under the plan, Dr. Hall left open the possibility of future cuts.

9.   And when an opening for a full-time classroom teacher comes up, what happens?

10.   Being an ordinary classroom teacher, she says resentfully, is perceived as entry level.

n. + teacher >>共 306
school 10.56%
substitute 5.24%
history 5.16%
science 5.12%
math 5.08%
music 4.61%
kindergarten 4.01%
art 3.10%
university 2.10%
head 2.06%
classroom 1.43%
classroom + n. >>共 283
instruction 4.23%
teacher 3.91%
discussion 3.37%
wall 3.04%
door 2.82%
work 2.82%
space 2.71%
use 2.61%
building 2.39%
activity 2.06%
每页显示:    共 36