1.   The challenge for schools will be hiring enough teachers and finding adequate classroom space to implement the program by next fall.

2.   The school at present has no spare classroom space and no likelihood of the number of children in decreasing.

3.   Any additional classroom space would help reduce massive overcrowding in the Belmont attendance area and neighboring inner-city communities.

4.   Adding teachers and classroom space takes resources that could be used more effectively elsewhere.

5.   But by January, cyberspace had so intruded on classroom space at Columbia that a committee of professors and students came up with a code of professional conduct.

6.   But short on teachers and classroom space, the district opted to phase in the ban, starting with grades two and eight.

7.   Construction to convert it to a two-level classroom space will begin next summer.

8.   Education officials say that even with more spending, it is too late to hire new teachers or find classroom space.

9.   Gore last week also overplayed the plight of a Sarasota, Fla., girl whom, he said, had to stand due to lack of classroom space.

10.   Its renovated quarters will incorporate present ground floor classroom space and expand into areas that are now occupied by administrative offices.

n. + space >>共 554
office 18.36%
storage 7.96%
shelf 4.45%
floor 3.62%
retail 3.22%
cargo 2.76%
exhibition 2.68%
work 2.44%
wall 1.58%
gallery 1.45%
classroom 0.67%
classroom + n. >>共 283
instruction 4.23%
teacher 3.91%
discussion 3.37%
wall 3.04%
door 2.82%
work 2.82%
space 2.71%
use 2.61%
building 2.39%
activity 2.06%
每页显示:    共 25