1.   An ethnic treat, these smoky, grilled chicken strips with a dipping sauce are a new party favorite.

2.   Arrange warm chicken strips on top.

3.   Arrange chicken strips on top of rice.

4.   Arrange chicken strips on top.

5.   Add the chicken strips and stock to pan, and saute until the liquid has evaporated.

6.   Caroline got a chicken strip basket while her new friends munched sandwiches their mother left in the handy room fridge.

7.   Dip chicken strips into egg, then coat with coconut mixture.

8.   For a shortcut, Yan recommends using cut-up vegetable ingredients from a supermarket salad bar and beef, pork or chicken strips from the meat section.

9.   Grill or broil chicken strips for a couple of minutes.

10.   In addition to using this dressing for salad, she also recommends it as a dipping sauce for chicken strips or shrimp.

a. + strip >>共 484
thin 8.01%
narrow 7.34%
magnetic 3.60%
long 3.00%
commercial 2.87%
metal 2.14%
coastal 2.14%
small 2.00%
shopping 1.67%
chicken 1.60%
chicken + n. >>共 451
stock 7.39%
broth 6.97%
soup 6.20%
piece 5.42%
salad 3.35%
wing 3.24%
coop 2.54%
farm 2.36%
dish 1.76%
sandwich 1.62%
strip 0.85%
每页显示:    共 24