1.   Colour a little piece of fondant brown and roll out to a small strip.

2.   Around the corner is a small strip of stores that donate food and merchandise for campus events, and provide jobs for parents.

3.   Attach a small strip of paper to the top so you can hang your lantern.

4.   A main house and four cottages dot the two-acre site, which slopes sharply down to a small strip of beach.

5.   But the ethnic Albanian insurgency that emerged last year in a small strip of Serbian territory neighboring Kosovo changed the equation.

6.   Certainly, it brought unprecedented attention to a small strip of a nation on the Dalmatian coast.

7.   Hold the hardboard in place with glazing points and glaze the edges with glazing compound, or nail in small strips of wood.

8.   In Japan and China, consumers prefer their Post-its as small narrow strips instead of larger horizontal pads.

9.   Just plenty of old-fashioned flesh barely covered in small strips of old-fashioned cloth.

10.   San Francisco is only prevented from being an island by a very small strip of land.

a. + strip >>共 484
thin 8.01%
narrow 7.34%
magnetic 3.60%
long 3.00%
commercial 2.87%
metal 2.14%
coastal 2.14%
small 2.00%
shopping 1.67%
chicken 1.60%
small + n. >>共 1140
business 4.25%
group 4.22%
town 3.18%
amount 2.42%
number 2.42%
company 1.95%
child 1.74%
bowl 1.43%
craft 1.15%
part 1.00%
strip 0.05%
每页显示:    共 30