1.   The chairman told a news conference that some members of staff would lose their jobs.

2.   About a week after our trip, the chairman told me the Chinese executive had called to express great satisfaction with the trip.

3.   Chairman tells union delegates why the old enemy may be changing its tune.

4.   Can I take up this point about the forty three forty three, the chairman is telling me thirty four.

5.   Successive board chairmen have told him to go fly a kite.

6.   The Fed chairman told a House Banking subcommittee that volatility is part of a normally functioning market.

7.   The Fed chairman told the House Banking and Financial Services Committee that he backed a bill that would make it easier for financial services companies to combine their businesses.

8.   The Federal Reserve chairman told Congress last week the economic slowdown has yet to run its full course.

9.   The Fed chairman told Congress that central bankers may boost rates even before there are signs of quickening inflation.

10.   The new chairman also told a France Telecom board meeting he was determined to cement the alliance with Deutsche Telekom.

n. + tell >>共 865
official 8.80%
doctor 3.94%
source 3.43%
witness 2.86%
police 1.91%
spokesman 1.86%
man 1.65%
people 1.38%
friend 1.38%
time 1.31%
chairman 0.10%
chairman + v. >>共 330
be 20.97%
say 18.73%
have 3.76%
tell 1.59%
make 1.30%
warn 1.23%
call 1.01%
take 0.94%
try 0.87%
express 0.80%
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