1.   The witness told the court that she had never seen either of the accused before.

2.   Witnesses told of beatings with rifle butts and sticks and the use of bayonets and guns, he said.

3.   Witnesses have told the court today that Stephen Francis regularly hit people.

4.   Witnesses told the court that both cars somersaulted into the air.

5.   The witness told the court he also heard voices.

6.   New witnesses have told police that they saw the two youths with James in Walton.

7.   Although several witnesses told of hearing two blasts just moments apart, officials believe the second sound was likely an echo reverberating through the downtown area.

8.   And Lewis said some witnesses have told investigators that he abused Lyuba Soltys in their North Highlands home.

9.   And one witness told investigators that it was company policy to shift costs illegally from hospitals to home health care agencies to inflate government reimbursement.

10.   Any buyouts should be voluntary, and not a way to terminate the federal program that props up prices by restricting cultivation, witnesses told the Senate Agriculture Committee.

n. + tell >>共 865
official 8.80%
doctor 3.94%
source 3.43%
witness 2.86%
police 1.91%
spokesman 1.86%
man 1.65%
people 1.38%
friend 1.38%
time 1.31%
witness + v. >>共 206
say 59.89%
tell 5.86%
be 4.71%
report 4.23%
testify 3.46%
see 2.34%
describe 1.60%
identify 0.96%
give 0.85%
come 0.77%
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