1.   A noxious odor that caused eye and throat irritations and led to respiratory problems forced workers to evacuate their office four times in the past month.

2.   A. The odor is caused by hydrgen sulphide dissolved in the water.

3.   It said the odor was caused by the mixture of the de-icer runoff with sulfur compounds underground.

4.   Sure enough, Penelope Smith of Picayune, Miss., called to tell us just what she thinks caused the odor.

5.   What do you think could be causing the odor?

6.   What on earth could be causing the odor?

7.   What is causing the odor and how can I stop it?

8.   When water goes down that drain, its movement causes odor from this greasy buildup to rise to your unsuspecting nose.

9.   With those possibilities eliminated, we are left with something that might have gotten wet, which could cause the odor.

10.   In one example, a celebrity told the camera that pedophiles could cause seductive odors to emanate from computer keyboards as kids accessed Web sites.

v. + odor >>共 107
have 9.36%
emit 4.12%
smell 4.12%
detect 3.75%
cause 3.75%
remove 3.75%
mask 3.37%
absorb 3.00%
eliminate 3.00%
reduce 2.62%
cause + n. >>共 821
damage 8.58%
problem 6.70%
injury 3.26%
death 2.52%
explosion 2.10%
casualty 2.06%
delay 1.77%
accident 1.75%
crash 1.64%
concern 1.57%
odor 0.04%
每页显示:    共 10