cause damage 151.28   The storm caused severe damage.
  cause problem 118.17   This should not cause any problems.
  cause injury 57.47   Bad move and one that can cause injuries.
  cause death 44.44   Alcohol did not cause the deaths.
  cause explosion 37.06   The impact caused an explosion.
  cause casualty 36.34   Both caused no casualties.
  cause delay 31.20   Half the delay was caused by penalties.
  cause accident 30.81   He swerved and caused an accident.
  cause crash 28.97   A burst tire should not cause a crash.
  cause concern 27.65   But the phenomenon has also caused concern.
  cause cancer 27.45   Smoking causes lung cancer.
  cause trouble 26.40   Causing trouble in what respect.
  cause fire 25.41   That can cause a fire.
  cause disease 25.35   Deviant prions caused the disease.
  cause loss 20.93   The drug can cause hair loss.
  cause harm 19.62   Do they cause harm?
  cause pain 17.91   I have caused pain.
  cause blast 16.59   It is not clear what caused the blast.
  cause panic 15.60   The chanting caused a panic.
  cause stir 15.47   Cause a stir?
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